
We can arrange a photo shoot with a brief that is specific for your business, product or service. We also have access to over 40,000 NZ photos from Geoff Cloake's archive.

Professional photography can strengthen the impact of the material you present to your audience. Your marketing will make a good impression and establish your business identity in the minds of your customers or clients. Support your marketing material with; staff photos, professional product photography highlighting key features or benefits. 

Stock library photography, commissions and lessons

We will meet the technical standards and requirements. We can shoot photography at a range of specs and styles to suit reproduction across website's, brochures, newspaper and magazine advertising.

In some situations we cannot be present to take photography ourselves. Geoff Cloake can work with clients to improve and optimise photography for us to use. Geoff is a well known NZ photographer judge and presenter. 

His presentations are listed here
Learn more about Geoff Cloake

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